Day 28 February 5, 2023 day 3 in port of Tween Waters Resort.

Since our departure January 9, we have scheduled Sundays as a full day in port and we take advantage of a leisurely wake up typical day for us is up at 6:00AM, coffee read the news on our electronic device of choice and get active about 8:00 AM. Sunday’s not so much. There are the Sunday morning national news shows and panels typically a more substantial breakfast including Fried Eggs, ham, cheese however we were out of eggs today. The deprovisioning list gets longer.

Sunday afternoon both tackled our respective heads, showers and staterooms. Later taking advantage of the good weather, installed new rubber feet to our TitanStor unit we added to the fly deck last December, without feet it was sliding about, not a good thing on a ship.

Spent a good deal of time reviewing our Float plan for Monday to Safe Harbor Calusa Island in Marco because it looks like the water can be very skinny in places and we are debating the best route and pass to use.

Made time for the pool bar while the cleaning towels were laundered. Dinner at the Captiva restaurant.