Not only are we in a nice piece of water tied to a small T-Pier on the south side of the Marina but we have a nice pool, pool bar, beach, coffee shop, laundry etc. Friday was a stay in port day and we spent our day very productive.
Mike cleaned all 4 thru-hull strainers in the engine room, 2 engines, 1 chiller/heat pump, and the generator. Mike pumped out all the bilge wells that accumulate water but do not have drains into the lower bilge where there are two automatic pumps. Together we added oil to both engines and Mike then proceeded to wash all the floors in the engine room. No that makes the engine room Ship Shape.
While Mike was working on the engine room I started hand drying the Boat with the chamois and then the chamois mop. As you might understand we always have access to clean and scrub the Boat from the rub rail up (Rub rail is the point on the exterior of the hall that is the divide between the lower hull and the upper that is the point all boats will fend off a dock or other objects when there are no fenders deployed) The lower hull is typically only accessible on the side of the boat that it is tied in a slip or in this case the face dock. The side of the lower hull is especially accessible when tied to a floating dock (not fixed) like we are in Tween Waters. With that access Friday I proceeded to get out our Salty Captain nozzles and soap and attack the port side of our lower hull with the system and scrub brushes, it looks very good now.
I drew a schematic drawing for a template for the upper helm captains seat to reinforce the bottom cushion. We will be asking NCHM to make this for us. Pulled up all the salon carpet covers and took them with my laundry Friday afternoon.
Made the best of my laundry time multiple washers for the 1 hour wash then one hour dry allowing time to locate Ice for the boat and then a “Mia Tia” at the pool bar actually 2, one as the washers finished and one during the dry cycle. Laundry was not this nice two weeks ago when we where in Panama City. probably won’t be again for some time.
Oh! About the Ice: like many systems on a boat they all seem to be very temperamental. We had a new Ice maker installed on our boat last year while the boat was in Ft. Lauderdale. great system till about a week ago it seemed to trip its breaker and now won’t reset, seems like a short. Put it on the list with the salon door issue. Regarding the minor sea water we had accumulating under the Starboard engine, we monitored it all week and it either fixed itself (unlikely) or we miss-diagnosed it. (Now I’m connecting the dots Ice-maker shorts out, water leak disappears? Ah Uhm. is there a connection? It is a plumbed ice maker?
Dinner at the Captiva House.